Tags Explained

Hi ladies! If you aren't familiar, TG captions are erotic fiction that focuses on gender-bending, usually men turning into women. They can be intentional, accidental, or something else, and sometimes they have mental changes. Scientifically the fetish is referred to as autogynephilia, or AGP. The inverse is autoandrophilia, women wanting to turn into men, or AAP, though this is less common.

There are a lot of "reasons" why this might happen in fantasy, I try to use original-ish ideas based on real belief systems and philosophies! X-change is fun, but it's not so believable. So, here is an (evolving) list of concepts:

Darkroom Gazing

Darkroom Gazing is a meditative technique (in real life) developed by a man named Carlos Castaneda. The practitioner will sit in a pitch black room or wear "blackout glasses" and stare into the blackness, dismissing any thoughts they get. Like, they are supposed to think about literally nothing. Darkroom gazers believe that they can access other worlds this way, and many report they already have. There is a lot of complex crazy detail about it, but that's the gist. 


If I tagged a post as immersive, it means I'm trying to make you, the reader, feel like the story is happening to you. Yay!


Manifesting is the act of believing something into being. This is a real new age spiritual pursuit, based on many factors, but heavily leaning on the works of Neville Goddard. I play pretty fast and loose with this idea for fictional purposes. 

Nexus Device

The Nexus Device is an object of mysterious, probably governmental origin. When activated, the crystal in the center emits of a beam of light and changes the environment and people in it. Technically, it triggers a wave-function collapse to those observing it but most of the characters subjected to this don't understand it, so it may as well be magic to them. I made this up, but it's based on a very loose interpretation of quantum physics.


If I tagged a post as psychological, it means I am pretending to be a real author. Just kidding! These are less sexy, more focused on the mental state.

Quantum Woo

Quantum woo or quantum mysticism is any sort of explanation for magical encounters as a result of quantum physics. This is a popular theory in new age religious structures. Basically, certain subatomic particles can exist in two places simultaneously and appear to change based on whether or not they are being looked at, so this is often provided as evidence for reality shifting, astral travel, and that sort of thing. 

Reality Shifting

Reality Shifting is a philosophical and spiritual concept that is (in real life) based on new age religion. The idea is that when one truly believes they already have something or exist in a certain way, then their perceived reality will reflect that. In other words, if I want to be a girl, I focus deeply, picture myself as a girl, and fully believe that I am a girl, and then I will be. 

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